Saturday, January 24, 2009

Please Save This Date ...Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Class of OLPH 1969 will be tying in with Auction Dinner Dance to be held on this date ......the event is titled ....

" A Night for Friendship, Loyalty and Love "

some of the details ........

WHERE : OLPH Alumni Hall
TIME: 6:30 PM Silent Auction with Hors D'oeuvres and No Host Cocktail Bar
CUISINE: Lidia's Italian Delicacies
Prime rib and Rosemary Garlic Chicken Buffet
Salad , Veggies, Pasta, Dessert, Complimentary Wine
Vegetarian Combinations available

LIVE MUSIC -----------Dancing until Midnight ( can some of us stay up ? )

I will post the cost , forms , auction details and info on the OLPH Donor Program soon

Looking forward to seeing all of you that can make it

Rick , Nisa and the Reunion Commitee

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Alumni Open House and Mass on Saturday, January 31, 2009


I received an updated confirmation from Ed Mahoney that the Alumni Open House begins at 2 PM and mass will begin at 4 PM this coming Saturday, January 31 (the date in the Summer newsletter was in error). So that gives us an extra week to decide.

Ed encourages us to attend and merely asks for us to let him know (, or you can let me know and I will send a list) who is coming.

It sounds like a fun event. Students will be conducting tours. Bill Bruening (Sue's older brother) will serve as deacon for the mass and Father Joe Gordon may be there as the celebrant.

I hope to see some of you there.

First OLPH alumni event of 2009?


I just checked out the most recent issue of Perpetual Light, the OLPH newsletter for the alumni, friends, and supporters of OLPH, and noticed there is an Alumni Open House and Mass happening on Saturday, January 24, 2009.

Yes, I know this next Saturday (no more than 7 days away when you read this) and is short notice. I just found it, so blame me for not being curious enough to read the summer 2008 newsletter earlier (the Winter 2008 predates the Summer 2008 edition)! I do not have the details for the Open House and Mass this year. I have sent a query and will share what I find.

Here are the specifics for the 2008 version of the event:
Saturday, January 26, 2008 at 2:00 pm.
You are cordially invited and encouraged to attend the OLPH Open House and Mass on January 26, 2008. Come and see your old elementary school and enjoy revisiting the classrooms, office, library and especially the famous “Alumni Hall.” Locate your class picture in Alumni Hall and stir up your memories a bit. Light refreshments will be provided.
A Celebration of the Eucharist will follow in OLPH Church at 4PM.

Anyone interested or planning to go? I think it would be fascinating to wander the halls once more and see how OLPH is forging forward with the shaping of young minds and personalities. I have found that involving more than one sense cues (e.g., in this case visual, tactile, and possibly aural; I sure hope the same smells are not there 8^) are the clue to bringing back memories.

Please let me know if you are planning to be there at 2 PM and/or going to the 4 PM mass. We can talk about meeting and reminiscing.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


This is where it all started, Rick teaching me about photos. Here is our cat George, my first photo that I chose to work with.

I started to get into YouTube and the cat videos, and found one that I absolutely loved, along with the song. I wanted to share it and hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Darlene's Family Photos

In the midst of a long conversation with Nisa, she gave me an idea on what photos to put on my newest post to our blog.
So here we go, my wedding photo - May 6, 1979, Old Town Sacramento - Dan and Me - 2008, and our son Erik, 2008.
It is so exciting to me to actually see something that I have been able to put together, with much appreciated help along the way.
It is also great to be able to share a bit of my life with my Classmates.
My wedding day, my son and my wonderful husband, I could not ask for more.
Laugh, love and be happy.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

NASA participates in the inauguration


In case you are interested, NASA will be the last participant in the inauguration parade on Tuesday, January 20. The normal inauguration parade rules state participants cannot stop, turn, or wave. An exception has been allowed for NASA this year. The pressurized rover will stop, turn, kneel, and then an astronaut will step off and salute. I believe the following video shows excerpts of the dry-run for the parade that took place on Sunday, January 11, 2009.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I sat down at my computer and decided it was time that I figure out how to post to our Blog, and guess what, I finally figured it out, I think.

It has been a long time since most of us have seen each other, needless to say thought about Elementary School. Lots of fog, lots of rain, Snicker Doodles in the Cafeteria, the end of the line in dance class, those are some of my memories. Potlucks with my favorite, Lumpia. Tin teeth, four eyes. Yes, the brutal truth of braces and glasses. Saving milk money to buy a bologna and cheese sandwich on a roll at the corner store and a bag of candy. Life was oh so simple and fun.

It has been a blast locating Classmates. Twila, thank you for finding me. Rick, Russ, John and Nisa, thanks for all of your help and putting up with my lack of Blog, Photo and general computer knowledge. I now think that I can simplify posting to our Blog for those that are interested. What a surprise.

I live in Elk Grove with my husband Dan, whom I married in 1979. We have one
son, Erik, who just turned 24 in December. We also have a cat (George) who is
now 17.

My next venture is getting some photos up or creating my own Blog. Got to catch up with our Bloggers. Do not hold your breath.

I hope 2009 brings much happiness to all of our Classmates and their families.

Happy new year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and joyous Christmas and new year celebrations. This is the year of our reunion. I look forward to hearing about classmates and planning soon.